Ii Meiwaku (いい迷惑 - Real Nuisance)

Jan 13, 2018 19:11
When you get involved in something unrelated to you, you can say いい迷惑 (ii meiwaku) in Japanese.

Here 迷惑 (meiwaku) means just "nuisance."

However, いい (ii) usually means "good" or "nice," so Japanese lerners may be confused about the meaning of "ii meiwaku."

Actually, "ii" is able to be used in an ironic meaning in addition to the good meaning.

That is to say, "ii" of "ii meiwaku" contains the ironic/bad meaning.

Note that only when "ii" is attached to specific terms such as "meiwaku," it's mainly used ironically.

I'd like to introduce you to other idiomatic Japanese terms that contain the ironic "ii."


「迷惑」は "nuisance" を意味します。

しかし、「いい」は通常 "good" や "nice" を意味することなので、日本語学習者は混乱してしまうかもしれません。




No. 1 ダンボー's correction
However, いい (ii) usually means "good" or "nice," so Japanese lerners may be confused about the meaning of "ii meiwaku."
しかし、「いい」は通常 "good" や "nice" を意味することなので、日本語学習者は混乱してしまうかもしれません。

➡ Given that いい (ii) usually means "good" or "nice," "ii meiwaku" may throw Japanese learners into confusion.

I replaced 'however' (しかし) with 'given that'.

Actually, "ii" is able to be used in an ironic meaning in addition to the good meaning.

➡ In this expression, "ii" actually implies the reverse (of "good") and conveys irony.

I added 'in this expression' for clarity and emphasis.

Combining the two sentences:
➡ Given that いい (ii) usually means "good" or "nice," "ii meiwaku" may throw Japanese learners into confusion. In this expression, "ii" actually implies the reverse and conveys irony.

This is very interesting, thanks for sharing.
Thank you so much for the corrections and suggestions!
I learned new expressions! (^^)
You're welcome. どういたしまして。
No. 2 クライド's correction
  • When you get involved in something unrelated to you, you can say いい迷惑 (ii meiwaku) in Japanese.
  • When you get pulled into someone else's business, you can say いい迷惑 (ii meiwaku) in Japanese.
  • Note that only when "ii" is attached to specific terms such as "meiwaku," it's mainly used ironically.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I'd like to introduce you to other idiomatic Japanese terms that contain the ironic "ii."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
Thank you so much for the correction, クライド-san! (^^)